2024-25 Mr. Ingeneri's ACT Math classes:
Welcome to Mr. Ingeneri's course for 2024-2025. I have all the ACT Math classes at RVH, love teaching and my students, and am looking forward to empowering you to be and do your best!
Parents and students: I've given out a syllabus (also on schoology) syllabus that contains what we'll be doing and how students are graded. In general...with the new quarter system I don't know now how many actual ACT Math tests we'll have time to take. In my semester course over the past 2 years we've done around 10 with review of problems #1-40 following each test, and #41-60 reviewed in rocket time with students on higher levels. With new 4x4 I'll probably only have time for 5 or 6 actual ACT math tests. Instead of giving out one at a time my 15 handouts on various ACT Math topics, this coming year I've put them into a folder so anytime a student has a problem in an area we haven't covered, he/she can look up the material in the folder without waiting for me to give the handouts piecemeal. I also quiz (and sometimes pre-quiz) on many of those handouts. We will again have our online program (Mathchops) for students at any level to practice ACT math (with both level challenges and topic challenges at the student's own level). Regarding tests: Students MUST TAKE NOTES (OR BETTER PICTURES) OF PROBLEMS MISSED (WHICH I DO ON BOARD UPFRONT) OR THEY CANNOT BE SUCCESSFUL. JUST TAKING TESTS WITHOUT CORRECTING FAILURES AND STUDYING THOSE CORRECTIONS IS NOT ENOUGH TO SUCCEED AND GET A MUCH IMPROVED MATH SCORE ON THE REAL ACT. Tests count 50% of grade and are not tabulated on actual score but on progress, so even a lower level student can get a high grade if he/she works hard and improves on test scores during the course.
I'm very much looking forward to the Fall and meeting a new group of students eager to improve their ACT Math scores.
Any questions at all, and at any time, please email me at [email protected]