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Attendance Policies

Attendance (Rutherford CO. Policy)

After five unexcused absences, students will be referred to the county attendance office. Court action against parents may result. Out-of-School Suspension days are considered unexcused absences.


Excused Absences (Documentation Required)

To receive an excused absence, you must take your note to the attendance office window before school or during your lunch period within five days of your return to school.

1. Doctor or Dentist Appointment (Student Only) Dentist notes do not excuse a full day.

2. Death in the Immediate Family (Father, Mother, Brother, Sister, Aunt, Uncle, or Grandparent)

3. Personal Illness

4. Required Court Appearance

5. Religious Observances

6. Extenuating Circumstances (Must be Approved by School Administration)

7. Parent Notes (8 per school year)


Unexcused Absences

1. Truancy 2.Suspension 3. Working

4. Car Trouble 5. Interviews 6. Driver’s License

7. Lack of Transportation 8. Oversleeping 9. Family Vacations


Unexcused Tardies to School / Unexcused Checkouts

Students are expected to be in their first period class when the 8:30 a.m. bell rings. Late students should sign in through the attendance office immediately upon arrival to school. The following list outlines the penalties assessed for unexcused tardies/checkouts (each semester):

1st-3rd Offense: Warning

4th Offense: Dean Referral/Detention

5th + Offense-Dean Referral/Restriction or ISS

After 10 Offenses- Administrator Referral


The consequences for unexcused tardies/checkouts apply collectively.  Excessive tardies/checkouts will result in notification to the county attendance officer. Tardies/checkouts are excused for the same reasons as absences, with parent verification and/or official documentation required. Three (3) early dismissal/check out result in 1 full day absence.  Early Dismissals automatically result in an excused parent note. Once a doctor note is turned in, the dismissal will then change to a doctor note, freeing up a parent note.


Unexcused Tardies to Class

Students are expected to be in their assigned classroom when the bell rings. If a student is more than five minutes late, without prior teacher authorization, the tardy will be considered a class skip. The following list outlines the consequences for tardies to class (each semester):


1st-3rd Offense: Warning

4th Offense: Dean Referral/Detention

5th + Offense-Dean Referral/Restriction or ISS

After 10 Offenses- Administrator Referral


**Continued tardiness to class will result in serious disciplinary action.



Tardy Stations

For second through seventh period, students tardy to class will report to the closest Tardy Station. These stations are located throughout the building. Tardy machines automatically track a student’s tardies each semester and will issue the appropriate warning or consequence. For the fourth tardy, the student is automatically assigned the date for which he or she should attend detention.


Senior Attendance Policy


Students may not have more than ten 10 unexcused absences for the year from school to participate in the Graduation Ceremony.  Note that (per policy) parent notes and other excuse notes must be turned in to the attendance office within five days of your return to school.  Seniors who exceed the allowed number of absences will be able to pick up their diplomas in the counseling office as early as the school day following the graduation ceremony when all other graduation requirements are met.


Early Dismissal / Checkout Procedures

1. Students must sign out through the front office when leaving campus.

2. Students eligible for early release must leave campus when dismissed.

3. Students who become ill at school are expected to get permission from classroom teacher to report to the school nurse or attendance office.

4. Remaining in the restroom will be considered skipping class.

5. Students are not allowed to check out to eat lunch off campus.

6. It is recommended that all appointments be made before or after school hours.

7. A school official must excuse the student any time it becomes necessary to leave campus. The procedure is as follows:


a. Bring a note stating the reason necessary to leave school to the front office before the end of 1st block. Make sure a parent’s phone number is on the note for verification.

b. Pick up a “Permit to Leave Campus” form from the front office.

c. Sign out in the attendance office as you leave.

d. If you return to the school, sign back in.

e. The full responsibility for completing this procedure rests with the student.


8. Dependent students who have reached the age of 18 must still have written parent/guardian permission to leave campus.

Before and After School

· Entrances and hallways are to remain clear each morning. Students who arrive early must move to the cafeteria or gym.

· Students must leave campus by 4:00 p.m. unless involved in a school sanctioned activity.



Procedure for College Day

Seniors are allowed three college days. Seniors must have a good attendance record and be in good standing. College visits will count as a field trip if all documentation is returned on time. Only the visit day will count; travel does not.

One week prior to the college visit, students should:


1. Call the college admissions department to set an appointment.

2. Bring a signed letter from parent to the Rockvale Counseling Office stating the date of the visit and the name of the college student will be visiting.

3. Student will be given a College Day Request Form that must be signed by the counselor, the attendance office, and each of student’s teachers.

4. Return completed form to RVHS Counseling Office. On the day following the college visit, student must present a dated verification from the college that was visited to the RVHS Attendance and Counseling Offices.


Perfect Attendance


To be eligible for perfect attendance, student must be in attendance for a length of time equal to the state’s minimum hourly requirement for a school day. To have perfect attendance in a class, student must be present every day for over half the class period. Any student with four years of perfect attendance will receive recognition of this achievement.


Attendance Incentives


Final Exam Exemptions: Eligibility for exam exemptions begins the first day of school in each class and is determined on an individual class basis. A student who has been suspended (ISS or OSS) is not eligible for exemptions. All absences, including excused absences, are included in the counts below. Exceptions: Field Trips, Homebound, College Visit (with appropriate paperwork)

Guidelines for Final Exam Exemptions


Full Year Class                          One Semester Class

8 Absences A Average           4 Absences A Average

6 Absences B Average          3 Absences B Average

4 Absences C Average          2 Absences C Average

2 Absences D Average         1 Absence D Average