Steve York » Gifted Education Services - Rockvale High School - Mr. York

Gifted Education Services - Rockvale High School - Mr. York

Gifted students will meet in grade level groups twice per month and individually as needed. Remind app texts, school emails, and Rocket Time announcements will keep you informed about meetings and information pertaining to gifted services.  Teachers are aware of your Intellectually-Gifted status.
Freshmen - gifted characteristics, skills for high school success (thinking and learning styles, critical thinking skills, study habits, time management, etc.), four-year planning, enrichment opportunities (extracurriculars, volunteerism, summer programs).
Sophomores - self-awareness, resume building, four-year planning, AP/DE/CTE classes, enrichment opportunities (extracurriculars, volunteerism, summer programs), standardized testing, PSAT, TN Governors Schools, potential college majors and careers.
Juniors - college exploration, career search, four-year plan review, enrichment opportunities (extracurriculars, volunteerism, summer programs), campus tours, college application/scholarship essay writing, AP/DE/CTE classes, ACT/SAT test prep, PSAT (National Merit Scholarship), TN Governors Schools.
Seniors - college applications, scholarship search, letters of recommendation, interviewing, college application/scholarship essay writing, college experience, senior time lines, post-secondary preparations.