Kevin Jones » Welcome to Digital Arts and Design

Welcome to Digital Arts and Design

Required Materials (All Levels)

- 32 GB Flash Drive (or Larger)
​- Sketch Book
- Pencil or Pen


HONORS DIGITAL ARTS & DESIGN I: 1 Credit (Grades 9-10)
Course #6084H

This course provides a foundation in aesthetic concepts and applies these concepts to the visual art, design, printing and photography industries.  Course content provides the opportunity to acquire marketable skills by examining both the industry and its career opportunities and by developing leadership, teamwork and industry skills.  Varying degrees of aesthetics are required, along with the ability to interpret many aspects of life and technology.  Course content is also related to other pathways.
HONORS DIGITAL ARTS & DESIGN II:  1 Credit (Grades 10-12)
Course #6086H
Prerequisite: Digital Arts & Design I

This course covers the principles of design and general layout procedures.  Content will cover electronic systems and software programs used in graphic design, page composition, image conversion, and digital printing. 
HONORS DIGITAL ARTS & DESIGN III:  1 Credit (Grades 11-12)
Course #6085
Prerequisite: Digital Arts & Design I and II

With the confluence of technologies, visual arts and creative practices have changed dramatically over the past several years.  Increasingly, the design studio functions as a dynamic and vital space for learning, exploring, and innovation.   Negotiating complex relationships, developing communication strategies that leverage new  technologies and provide robust opportunities for the application of knowledge, skills, and  critical thinking associated with an array of contemporary creative and studio practices is the  new industry standard. Course content is selected to broaden the foundation of design concepts and understanding related to modern communication design. This course will foster advanced integrated skills that are essential in digital graphics, motion graphics, publishing, and Web, film/video, photography, and animation graphic industries. Students will be exposed to real world design challenges in a laboratory facility through projects that simulate industry objectives. Course content is also related to other pathways.
APPLIED ARTS PRACTICUM:  1 Credit (Grade 12)
Course #6158

The Applied Arts Practicum is a capstone course intended to provide students with the opportunity to apply the skills and knowledge learned in previous arts, A/V Technology & Communications courses within a professional, working environment.  In addition to developing an understanding of the professional and ethical issues encountered by professionals in these careers, students learn to refine their skills in problem solving, research, communication, teamwork, and project management through the completion of a course-long project.  The course is highly customizable to meet local system needs. Instruction may be delivered through school laboratory training or through work-based learning arrangements such as internships, service learning, and job shadowing.  Upon completion of the practicum, proficient students will be prepared to pursue postsecondary study in arts, a/v technology, or communications programs; or seek additional training or employment with the aid of the portfolio, which documents the student’s work completed throughout the program of study.

Bell Schedule

1st Period 8:30 – 9:55


2nd/3rd Period – 10:00 – 11:30


4th/5th Period – 11:35 – 1:55 **

There are 5 lunches now to allow cafeteria cleaning in between each.

1st Lunch – 11:35 – 11:59

2nd Lunch – 12:04 – 12:28

3rd Lunch – 12:33 – 12:57

4th Lunch – 1:02 – 1:26

5th Lunch – 1:31 – 1:55


6th/7th Period – 2:00 – 3:30

Office Hours
3:30pm - 4:30pm