head shot ABOUT ME...

Kim Boyd-Hughes - Theatre Arts  
[email protected]
Welcome to the Rockvale Theater Program!  My name is Kim Boyd-Hughes and I am a Theatre Arts Teacher here at Rockvale High School.  I am so excited to be a Rocket and especially a Theater Teacher!  I LOVE the ARTS!!!! I am also a Senior Co-Sponsor and I love having the opportunity to work with our Senior Class as they journey through their last year as a High School Student.  The adventures, learning experiences, creations, and memories I have shared and made with my students, parents, and fellow teachers over the years are absolutely priceless to me! I love the life path I chose and I couldn't imagine myself anywhere else!  GO ROCKETS!
I earned my Bachelor's Degree in Theatre and Psychology, and a later Degree in Special Education from Middle Tennessee State University.  This is my 24th year of teaching and I have taught in both the middle and high school settings - with most of my experience in high school. My teaching philosophy is based on respecting differences, tapping into talents, and sharing my love for the Arts and learning with my students.
I believe that we all have a story that is important and we all have something important to contribute!  Welcome to, "Live At The Rock!"  I'm looking forward to creating great things with you this year!